Squaresoft Home Pages
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Squaresoft Pages
Another Squaresoft Page
- Maintained by: Isaac Ordonez
- Another Squaresoft Page is a great place to find info on all Square Soft games.
The Arris Dome
- Maintained by: Shelby Hepner
- The Arris Dome has an amazing amount of in-depth information for Chrono Trigger.
The Big Whale
- Maintained by: Tetsuo
- The Big Whale has some Square-related games and stories.
Bob Rork's SquareSoft Land
- Maintained by: Bob Rork
- Bob Rork's Squaresoft Land has many scanned pictures and screen shots, all presented in a fantastic layout.
Cecil's Final Fantasy Home Page
- Maintained by: Nick Ellan
- Celes' Home Page is mainly devoted to Final Fantasy II, but also has info on other SquareSoft games.
Celes' Home Page
- Maintained by: Michelle Clough
- Celes' Home Page has some information and a petition for some unreleased Japanese Squaresoft games.
CronoTrig's Squaresoft HomePage
- Maintained by: CronoTrig
- CronoTrig's Squaresoft HomePage is a small Canadian Squaresoft home page with pics, music, links, and information.
Dalton's Domain
- Maintained by: Rick Faaberg
- Dalton's Domain has Dalton stories, dalton pictures, and some other stuff...
David Lee's Romancing SaGa3
- Maintained by: David Lee
- David Lee's Romancing SaGa3 provides help for Romancing SaGa 3.
Edge's Squaresoft Home Page
- Maintained by: Mike Kontrovitz
- Edge's Squaresoft Home Page is primarily Final Fantasy related.
The End of Time
- Maintained by: Ayla
- The End of Time is devoted to Chrono Trigger.
The Fat Chocobo
- Maintained by: The Phoenix
- The Fat Chocobo has some Final Fantasy related pictures.
Final Fantasy I Map Generator
- Maintained by: Andy Church
- The Final Fantasy I Map Generator produces pixel accurate maps for every area of the game.
The Final Fantasy 3 Screen Shots Pages
- Maintained by: David Bujold
- The Final Fantasy 3 Screen Shots Pages have screen shots of the characters and espers in action.
The Final Fantasy VII Homepage
- Maintained by: Yukiyoshi Ike Sato
- The Final Fantasy VII Homepage has information on and screenshots of Final Fantasy VII.
Final Fantasy Planet
- Maintained by: Fares Alhassen
- Final Fantasy Planet has links to other Square sites, and weekly to
bi-weekly updated editorials on current Square news.
Game Genie Code Creator's Club
- Maintained by: Micah Stuart
- The Game Genie Code Creator's Club contains information on the BEST Game Genie Codes! All the codes here are original were made by club members.
\-\awKeYE's Humble Hideout
- Maintained by: \-\awKeYE
- \-\awKeYE's Humble Hideout has petitions, polls, and Secret of Mana 2 information.
Impresario's Sounds of Squaresoft
- Maintained by: John Stange
- Impresario's Sounds of Squaresoft has a comprehensive archive of Squaresoft SFX and music.
The Internet Rest Area
- Maintained by: Ray Dollete
- The Internet Rest Area has carries video game guitar tablature, MIDI music, video game reviews/previews, and video clips.
J-Man X's Square Home Page
- Maintained by: J-Man X (James Vergara)
- J-Man X's Square Home Page has miscellaneous Squaresoft information and Square Trivia.
Joe Lillibridge's Final Fantasy III Page
- Maintained by: Joe Lillibridge
- Joe Lillibridge's Final Fantasy III Page has some graphics and information.
Kefka's Domain
- Maintained by: Dan Posluns
- Kefka's Domain has screen captures and concise reviews for every Squaresoft game.
Kupan's SquareSoft / Home Page!
- Maintained by: Kupan (Brian Glick)
- Kupan's SquareSoft / Home Page! is a page of SquareSoft pictures, information, information on the Final Fantasy IRC Role-Playing-Game, and the Hall of TearDragon.
The Land of the Summoned Monsters
- Maintained by: Tyler Yaehne
- The Land of the Summoned Monsters is a page devoted to Callers and calling monsters.
Marl Page
- Maintained by: Hideki Saito
- Marl Page is a veritable shrine to Chrono Trigger's Marle.
Mog's Final Fantasy Page
- Maintained by: Jonathan
- Mog's Final Fantasy Page has information on the Final Fantasy III characters.
Mog's Place
- Maintained by: Eric R. Steffens
- Mog's Place has some video game information, and takes advantage of Netscape 2.0 extensions.
The Official Cafe Eblana Home Page
- Maintained by: James Pace
- The Official Cafe Eblana Home Page is the home page for Cafe Eblana - a group of mailing lists, an RPG, and several archive sites.
Redwick's Squaresoft Page
- Maintained by: Martin Redwick
- Redwick's Squaresoft Page has some guides for various Squaresoft games, and a small music archive.
RPG Arena
- Maintained by: Chris Brown
- RPG Arena is a gallery of fan artwork for various RPG's.
Scott's Squaresoft Info Page
- Maintained by: Scott Classen
- Scott's Squaresoft Info Page has hints, tips, and a list of links.
- Maintained by: HuanVu
- SquareMania is another Squaresoft page.
Squaresoft Arena
- Maintained by: Jonathan Baggs
- The Squaresoft Arena has some pictures and information.
The Temple of Squaresoft
- Maintained by: Sprite
- The Temple of Squaresoft has plot synopses of all the Squaresoft games.
Les Trois Moogletaires
- Maintained by: Tim Gee Yee
- Les Trois Moogletaires has many fan pictures and stories.
Ultimate Squaresoft Homepage
- Maintained by: Ross Miller
- The Ultimate Squaresoft Homepage has some pictures and information.
The UnOfficial Seiken Densetsu Home Page
- Maintained by: Kyle Smith and Peter Belc
- The UnOfficial Seiken Densetsu Home Page has walkthroughs, FAQs, and screen shots for Secret of Mana lovers.
The UnOfficial Squaresoft Music Page
- Maintained by: Mathew Valente
- The UnOfficial Squaresoft Music Page is a a great place for people to get Square related music.
The Video Game Net Domain
- Maintained by: Shiro
- The Video Game Net Domain is "GamInG WiTh A TwiSt of PySchO!!!" Not your average page....
Videogame RPG - Home Page
- Maintained by: Toni Cavalheiro
- The Videogame RPG - Home Page has information on Japanese Squaresoft games.
The Void
- Maintained by: Ryan Amos
- The Void is an interactive Squaresoft page.
Last page update: 8.26.96