Rudra's Secret Treasure Original Sound Version

Released: 4.25.96
Polystar/NTT Pub. 2500 yen
PSCN-5050, ISBN 4-87188-928-9 c0873
Total Time: 76:01, 58 tracks

All songs from Rudra's Secret Treasure, sequenced by Ryuji Sasai


  1. The Quest for Rudra's mines
  2. Beginning for the End
  3. The Mysterious Stone
  4. RUDRA
  5. Sword of the Valiant (Theme of SION)
  6. Between Two Worlds (Theme of SURLENT)
  7. Crime of the Heart (Theme of RIZA)
  8. Take the Gold and Run (Theme of DUNE)
  9. Amazing Express
  10. Ride on the Breeze
  11. Underworld
  12. Earthbound
  13. Voayge to the Bottom of the Sea
  14. The Ultimate Warrior
  15. Holiday in the Village
  16. Night Shift
  17. Parade
  18. Waiting for the Moon
  19. Whistle Down the Wind
  20. Place in the Sun
  21. Underwater City
  22. Dance with the Zombie
  23. The Nightbreed
  24. Downfall
  25. Battle for the Fields
  26. Evil Eyes
  27. Strange Encounters (SION)
  28. The Spirit Chaser (SURLENT)
  29. The Flame and the Arrow (RIZA)
  30. Blazing Impact (DUNE)
  31. Winners Take All
  32. Mystics in BABEL
  33. The Tower of God
  34. Clockwork Steeple
  35. Shadows of Illusion
  36. Prophesy
  37. Sanctuary
  38. Storm over the Place
  39. Bio Hazard
  40. Night Gallery
  41. Evil in the Deep
  42. King of the Mountain
  43. The Inhuman Condition
  44. The Auarians
  45. The Invisible Dead
  46. Edge of Darkness
  47. Ko So Do Ro
  48. Run for It
  49. Creature from the Silent Sea
  50. Purgation
  51. Land of Doom
  52. Battle of the Last Enemy - In the Mirror
  53. Battle of the Last Enemy - Damned
  54. Battle of the Last Enemy - Evolution
  55. Battle of the Last Enemy - Final Conflict
  56. Change of Mind
  57. Beyond the Rising Moon
  58. Echoes