Final Fantasy IV Piano Collections

Released: 1991 ; Rereleased: 9.24.94
Polystar/NTT Pub. 3800 yen
PSCN-5008, ISBN 4-87188-343-4 c0073
Total Time: 57:26, 14 tracks

Piano versions of songs from FFIVj. Arranged by Shirou Satou. The final track is a practice track where you add the piano. The disc comes with a hardbound songbook with the notes for the songs.


  1. The Prelude
  2. Theme of Love
  3. Prologue...
  4. Welcome To Our Town
  5. Main Theme
  6. Chocobo-Chocobo
  7. Into the Darkness
  8. Rydia
  9. Melody of Lute
  10. Golbeza Clad In the Dark
  11. Toroian Beauty
  12. The Battle
  13. Epilogue
  14. Theme of Love Practice Track