Seiken Densetsu 3 FAQ (Beginning walkthrough) Version 0.1 by Ryan Lockhart ( What is here: - This is the first Seiken Densetsu 3 FAQ and walkthough - How to start the game with every character What is needed: -EVERYthing else... :) People who helped with this FAQ: - No one yet! Please note: - This beginning walkthrough was quickly thrown together so all non-reading Japanese folks (such as myself) could get started. These are written with almost NO detail in terms of the storyline, sorry... Also, there are quite a few grammatical errors and is written very dry, please bear with it as this will hopefully soon change... Starting the game After selecting your main character (you will need to play his or her "opening") a screen will appear allowing you to change their name if desired. Then select two other characters. While you will meet ALL of the characters in the first few hours of the game, only the two you select will be able to join your party. Note on the openings - There are six different openings, and the game doesn't actually "start" (reminiscent of FF 1) until you complete your selected characters scene. These openings are littered with small cinemas, I've left most of them out 'cause I don't know what's going on... ;) Duran (Knight) After winning an easy battle, talk to the king. During guard duty you'll fall asleep and have a dream sequence. After waking up, talk to one of the "frozen" guards. Following the "shifting" man inside the castle try to fight him. After getting your ass kicked, you will be in a cafe. Part the cafe and go up to the next main building on the left side of the screen. Entering the upper door you'll find an old lady. After talking to her, go down one set of buildings and follow the dirt path that's past the weapons shop. Go inside and up the stairs. Open the treasure chest, then leave the house. Go up into the castle, and keep traveling up until you reach the king. After talking to him, keep traveling down until you leave town. Once you're outside, take the path that leads straight down (fighting baddies along the way). After exiting the cave, go down and across the bridge. Kevin (Beast boy) After your dog awakens you in the forest, travel left as far as you can go and then go up. Upon reaching a clearing, your dog will go crazy and fight you. You can't beat the dog and die. Then, after reverting into some sort of creature, you fight back and kill your dog (dammit...). After finding yourself inside the castle, go down through the right door. Keep heading down until you reach the outside. From here go into the left door and travel upward until you reach a room full of soldiers. Then go back the way you came, and once outside climb the stairs and talk to the man guarding the king's throne room. Going back downstairs you'll see the king talking to a strange little jester. Once able, try to hit the king. You'll be (literally) kicked out of the castle and land back where you started. From here heal yourself using the statue and go to the left. Go up in the first clearing and you will see that strange jester again. He'll open a path for you, follow it up and to the left. Hawkeye (Thief) After the short "cinema" depicting Hawkeye robbing a house and making it back to his clans lair, we are allowed to control the character. Make your way downstairs and go into the main hallway. From here go through the doors on the top of the screen, go up some stairs one level, then travel up one more flight on your left. Travel down the raised hallway until you see another series of stairs to your right. From this room go down and you should find yourself outside. Follow the path downward and go down the stairs. Talk to the man and follow him outside. Keep traveling up, after passing though a few rooms you'll find yourself inside the kings bedchamber. After fighting an easy battle, you will be taken to jail. After hitting the bars a few times (just keep hitting "A"), a girl will come. After she leaves go up to the strange looking part of the wall and hit "A". As soon as you leave the store, fighting will begin. Use the path that runs over the store then go down and into the cave. Go through the upper opening and go across the room to the other cave for some treasure. Then go downward to leave your home. Angela (Witch?) Travel to the right and wave to the girl down on the path. Keep going to the right and go down the stairs. Going through the opening to the left of the stairs you will find yourself in a garden (of sorts). Get on the main path and travel down until you find a room, go down the stairs to the right and down into a main hallway. From there go to the first door on the left and go through the room. Next, go into the door on the far left and talk to the witch who isn't sleeping. The girl you waved to will enter the room then exit, find her in the same place she was standing when first saw her. Talk to her then enter a door near the top of the screen. For some reason you'll be banished from the castle. Walk downward through the snow fighting tough little baddies until you reach a clearing and collapse. When you awaken in a strange house, talk to the woman to leave. DON'T leave the village right away, or you'll be killed... Just go into the INN and talk to the old women sitting at a table. Charlotte (An orphan with a silly hat... :) From where you start, just go up through the door and up the stairs. Go through the opening to the far left of the room. Talk to the boy inside the room, after he leaves go out the lower door and straight across the hallway to the room on the right. After entering go up to the beds and sleep. Then just keep going down until you reach the balcony. Here the kid will put down a "spring", push the "A" button when you get close. The spring will launch you out of the castle and onto a girl's head. She'll take you to town. After you awaken leave the town by traveling upwards. Keep going upwards until you hit a clearing. Here you'll see a man with silver hair (an earlier cinema depicts him as a friend) defeat three soldiers. After trying to leave the clearing, the man will be hit with some sort of strange magic and fall. A strange jester will come and kidnap the body. Riesz (Hunter?) After defeating a giant bird you walk back to your castle. Go up into the throne room and into the door on the upper right. From here go down the stairs and follow the hallway until it curves upwards. There should be a girl guarding a door here, talk to her. Then go back the way you came and climb the same stairs. Go into the door on the right and talk to the old lady inside. After this go down to the area in the cinema (Just go down the steps and into the door on the right. Then just go down the stairs and go out the lower door). Travel down the path, enter the door, and climb down a ton of stairs. After a short cinema the castle will be on fire. Fight your way to the throne room and talk to the fallen king. That's all for right now! Anyone who want's to help this FAQ grow, please contact me! :)