This page is devoted to those gamers who barely know Japanese

NOTE : The following story is based only on my personal experience

I used Duran, Kevin and Charlotte to beat the game

NEW: The pilot episodes are available now. Click here
PART 1 - The Start
PART 2 - Entering the Holy City
PART 3 - The Crack of Earth
PART 4 - Forsena and Rolant
PART 5 - The Corridor of Wind
PART 6 - The Ghost Ship and the Volcanic Island
PART 7 - Searching the remaining Spirits
PART 8 - The Mana Sanctuary
PART 9 - Beating the Jinjus
PART 10 - Pedan, the hidden city
PART 11 - The Final Battle

The page for class change is now open. Click here

Latest Update : Apr 4, 1996

Please mail any comments or suggestions here