Main Page

reetings to game fans around the world!
And welcome to the UnOfficial Squaresoft Home Page! If you've played a Squaresoft game before, then you know how much fun (and addictive!) they can be. If you haven't played a Squaresoft game, then browse around and see what you're missing out on!

Final Fantasy VII Demo Now Available!

Buy it now, and get a free copy of Tobal No. 1! ;)
Seriously, Tobal No. 1 is a great fighter, too. Go, buy, enjoy!

Caution: Moogles at Work!

These pages are under constant construction and deconstruction. Things are changed and rearranged without warning.

You are visitor since September 11, 1995.

The UnOfficial Squaresoft Home Page is maintained solely by Andrew Vestal and is hosted graciously by Andy Church. Comments, concerns, suggestions, whines, gripes, protests, problems, praises, adorations, inspirations, commendations and cash donations are welcome at

The UnOfficial Squaresoft Home Page and all related pages (except where otherwise noted) are © 1995, 1996 by Andrew Vestal.

These pages look best in Netscape 2.0+ and sound best with Crescendo.

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