___ ___ ___ ___ ___ /\ \ /\ \ /\ \ /\ \ /\ \ //\\ \ //\\ \ //\\ \ //\\ \ //\\ \ ///\\\ \ ///\\\ \ ///\\\ \ ///\\\ \ ///\\\ \ /// \\\ \ /// \\\ \ /// \\\ \ /// \\\ \ /// \\\ \ /// / \\\ \ /// / \\\ \ /// / \\\ \ /// / \\\ \ /// / \\\ \ ///__/ \\\__\///__/ \\\__\///__/ \\\__\///__/ \\\__\///__/ \\\__\ \\\ \ ___\/__/\\\ \ ___\/__/\\\ \ \/__/\\\ \ \/__/\\\ \ \/__/ \\\ \/\ \ \\\ /\ \ \\\ \ \\\ \ \\\ \ \\\ \\\ _\ \\\ \\\__\ \\\ \ \\\ \ \\\ \ \\\/// / \\\/// / \\\ \ \\\ \ \\\ \ \\// / \\// / \\\__\ \\\__\ \\\__\ \/__/ \/__/ \/__/ \/__/ \/__/ TM Logo Created By: GAME GENIE CODE CREATORS CLUB Mstuart@ionet.net ----------------------------- LrdRokoL  (c) 1996, Game Genie Code Creators Club, All rights reserved.  This material may not be reproduced, stored in a retrieval system,  transmitted, or published, in any form or by any means, electronic,  mechanical, photocopying or otherwise, without being fully creditted  or without the prior written permission of the club. E-mail to GWS Mara@aol.com  =============================================================================  ---- ____ _____ ___ | | |\ | /\ | | /\ |\ | | /\ | \ / |__ | | \ | / \ | |__ / \ | \ | | / \ |___ \ / | | | \ | /----\ | | /----\ | \ | | /----\ | | | | | \| / \ |____ | / \| \| | / \ ___| | _______________  | | |  ------ ___ | | | ------ ___ ___  | /\ |\ /| | ___|___|___|___ | | |\ | | |  | --- /__\ | \ / | |-- | --- |-- | \ | | |--- |_____| / \ | \/ | |___ |_____| |___ | \| | |___  FINAL FANTASY 3 GAME GENIE GUIDE Version 1.5 --------------------------------   ------------------- | TABLE OF CONTENTS | ------------------- Part 1 - Credits Part 2 - Why Some Codes Don't Work Part 3 - Character Start-Up Codes - When to Put Codes - Character Codes - Menu Codes - Numerical Codes - Weapons, Sheild, Helmet, Armor, and Relics Codes Part 4 - Gold Codes Part 5 - Battle Codes - During Battle - After Battle Part 6 - Non-Battle Codes Part 7 - New Attacks For Characters Part 8 - Complete Leo/ Kefka Codes - Leo/ Kefka Codes - Perfect Kefka - Control Different Characters - More Characters to Choose Part 9 - Manson Codes    ----------------- | PART 1: CREDITS | ----------------- GREETINGS TO ALL!!!  Due to the hundreds of contributers who gave codes we are unable to list them all. Instead we will give you the readers the credit. Yes, without you there would be no reason to create codes. So, Thank You.  LordRokoL    ----------------------------------- | PART 2: WHY SOME CODES DON'T WORK | -----------------------------------  Written by: LrdRokol@aol.com  What you are about to read is my PERSONAL OPINION and the information that a Galoob Game Genie representative has given me. I have been recieving complaints from people about codes not working  on their game. Based on my expeience and other sources, I will explain  why some codes don't work for your game. You see, Nintendo sued Galoob many years ago, to try to stop  Galoob from creating their Game Genie. Nintendo lost the lawsuit. Nintendo is actually changing the configuration in the game decks they are selling. One batch of decks lets you use your present codes. The next batch of decks made and released are so configured that they will not accept the old and proven Game Genie codes. The codes you receive are  correct (This came from an anonymous informant). Nintendo also changes the configuration of their games. I made this  observation after buying another Final Fantasy 3 game. I have noticed  that there are still codes that won't work for both of them. Thas led me to believe that Nintendo is creating different versions of the  games they make. They are doing this to either fix the bugs in their games and to frustrate Galoob from finding more codes.    ---------------------------------- | PART 3: CHARACTER START-UP CODES | ---------------------------------- Here a tons of codes that will let you alter the character before  they ever join you.   WHEN TO PUT THE CODES: ---------------------- Terra : Before new game Locke : Save point after old man's house Edgar : Any time after getting Locke but before Kefka shows up Sabin : Save point in Mt.Kolts Bannon: Save point in Returners Hideout Shadow: Don't talk to him in S.Figaro. Save after Sabins scenario starts Cyan : Save before Imperial Base Ghost#1: Before getting the first ghost Ghost#2: If Shadow bails,you can get a second ghost.before getting G#2 Gau : Before the waterfall. Celes : Save under Duncan's house,codes MUST be in before you see her Setzer: Before Opera house and (?) until after Imperial base Mog : Save poit after old man's house. Strago: Save outside of Thamasa Relm : Save outside Esper cave Leo : Save point in Esper cave Gogo : Save point in Zone Eater Umaro : Save at snowfeild in Narshe,before entering hole behind Esper    CHARACTER CODES: ---------------- Terra Locke Cyan Shadow Edgar Sabin Hp XX5C-7675 XX58-7B85 XX5A-7875 XX53-7685 XX5E-7C75 XX5D-5885 Mp XX5C-7655 XX58-7BE5 XX5A-7855 XX53-76E5 XX5E-7C55 XX5D-58E5 Menu 1 XX5C-7685 XX58-7C75 XX5A-7885 XX53-7B75 XX5E-7C85 XX5F-5675 Menu 2 XX5C-76E5 XX58-7C55 XX5A-78E5 XX53-7B55 XX5E-7CE5 XX5F-5655 Menu 3 XX5C-7B75 XX58-7C85 XX52-7675 XX53-7B85 XX5E-7875 XX5F-5685 Menu 4 XX5C-7B55 XX58-7CE5 XX52-7655 XX53-7BE5 XX5E-7855 XX5F-56E5 Vigor XX5C-7B85 XX58-7875 XX52-7685 XX53-7C75 XX5E-7885 XX5F-5B75 Speed XX5C-7BE5 XX58-7855 XX52-76E5 XX53-7C55 XX5E-78E5 XX5F-5B55 Stamina XX5C-7C75 XX58-7885 XX52-7B75 XX53-7C85 XX5D-5675 XX5F-5B85 Mag.Pow XX5C-7C55 XX58-78E5 XX52-7B55 XX53-7CE5 XX5D-5655 XX5F-5BE5 Bat.Pow XX5C-7C85 XX5A-7675 XX52-7B85 XX53-7875 XX5D-5685 XX5F-5C75 Defense XX5C-7CE5 XX5A-7655 XX52-7BE5 XX53-7855 XX5D-56E5 XX5F-5C55 Mag Def XX5C-7875 XX5A-7685 XX52-7C75 XX53-7885 XX5D-5B75 XX5F-5C85 Evade XX5C-7855 XX5A-76E5 XX52-7C55 XX53-78E5 XX5D-5B55 XX5F-5CE5 Mag Block XX5C-7885 XX5A-7B75 XX52-7C85 XX5E-7675 XX5D-5B85 XX5F-5875 Weapon XX5C-78E5 XX5A-7B55 XX52-7CE5 XX5E-7655 XX5D-5BE5 XX5F-5855 Shield XX58-7675 XX5A-7B85 XX52-7875 XX5E-7685 XX5D-5C75 XX5F-5885 Helm XX58-7655 XX5A-7BE5 XX52-7855 XX5E-76E5 XX5D-5C55 XX5F-58E5 Armor XX58-7685 XX5A-7C75 XX52-7885 XX5E-7B75 XX5D-5C85 XX54-5675 Relic 1 XX58-76E5 XX5A-7C55 XX52-78E5 XX5E-7B55 XX5D-5CE5 XX54-5655 Relic 2 XX58-7B75 XX5A-7C85 XX53-7675 XX5E-7B85 XX5D-5875 XX54-5685  Celes Strago Relm Setzer Mog Gau  HP XX54-5B75 XX57-5C85 XX59-5675 XX51-5B85 XX55-5875 XX5B-5685 MP XX54-5B55 XX57-5CE5 XX59-5655 XX51-5BE5 XX55-5855 XX5B-56E5 Menu 1 XX54-5B85 XX57-5875 XX59-5685 XX51-5C78 XX55-5885 XX5B-5B75 Menu 2 XX54-5BE5 XX57-5855 XX59-56E5 XX51-5C55 XX55-58E5 XX5B-5B55 Menu 3 XX54-5C75 XX57-5885 XX59-5B75 XX51-5C85 XX56-5675 XX5B-5B85 Menu 4 XX54-5C55 XX57-58E5 XX59-5B55 XX51-5CE5 XX56-5655 XX5B-5BE5 Vigor XX54-5C85 XX50-5675 XX59-5B85 XX51-5875 XX56-5685 XX5B-5C75 Speed XX54-5CE5 XX50-5655 XX59-5BE5 XX51-5855 XX56-56E5 XX5B-5C55 Stamina XX54-5875 XX50-5685 XX59-5C75 XX51-5885 XX56-5B75 XX5B-5C85 Mag.Pow. XX54-5855 XX50-56E5 XX59-5C55 XX51-58E5 XX56-5B55 XX5B-5CE5 Bat.Pow. XX54-5885 XX50-5B75 XX59-5C85 XX55-5675 XX56-5B85 XX5B-5875 Defense XX54-58E5 XX50-5B55 XX59-5CE5 XX55-5655 XX56-5BE5 XX5B-5855 Mag.Def. XX57-5675 XX50-5B85 XX59-5875 XX55-5685 XX56-5C75 XX5B-5885 Evade XX57-5655 XX50-5BE5 XX59-5855 XX55-56E5 XX56-5C55 XX5B-58E5 Mag.Block XX57-5685 XX50-5C75 XX59-5885 XX55-5B75 XX56-5C85 XX5C-5675 Weapon XX57-56E5 XX50-5C55 XX59-58E5 XX55-5B55 XX56-5CE5 XX5C-5655 Sheild XX57-5B75 XX50-5C85 XX51-5675 XX55-5B85 XX56-5875 XX5C-5685 Helm XX57-5B55 XX50-5CE5 XX51-5655 XX55-5BE5 XX56-5855 XX5C-56E5 Armor XX57-5B85 XX50-5875 XX51-5685 XX55-5C75 XX56-5885 XX5C-5B75 Relic 1 XX57-5BE5 XX50-5855 XX51-56E5 XX55-5C55 XX56-58E5 XX5C-5B55 Relic 2 XX57-5C75 XX50-5885 XX51-5B75 XX55-5C85 XX5B-5675 XX5C-5B85  Gogo Umaro Bannon Leo Ghost #1 Ghost #2 HP XX5C-5C75 XX58-58E5 XX52-5B75 XX53-5C85 XX5D-8675 XX5F-8B85 MP XX5C-5C55 XX5A-5675 XX52-5B55 XX53-5CE5 XX5D-8655 XX5F-8BE5 Menu 1 XX5C-5C85 XX5A-5655 XX52-5B85 XX53-5875 XX5D-8685 XX5F-8C75 Menu 2 XX5C-5CE5 XX5A-5685 XX52-5BE5 XX53-5855 XX5D-86E5 XX5F-8C55 Menu 3 XX5C-5875 XX5A-56E5 XX52-5C75 XX53-5885 XX5D-8B75 XX5F-8C85 Menu 4 XX5C-5855 XX5A-56E5 XX52-5C55 XX53-58E5 XX5D-8B55 XX5F-8CE5 Vigor XX5C-5885 XX5A-5B75 XX52-5C85 XX5E-5675 XX5D-8B85 XX5F-8875 Speed XX58-5675 XX5A-5B55 XX52-5CE5 XX5E-5655 XX5D-8BE5 XX5F-8855 Stamina XX58-5655 XX5A-5B85 XX52-5875 XX5E-5685 XX5D-8C75 XX5F-8885 Mag.Pow. XX58-5685 XX5A-5BE5 XX52-5855 XX5E-56E5 XX5D-8C55 XX5F-88E5 Bat.Pow. XX58-56E5 XX5A-5C75 XX52-5885 XX5E-5B75 XX5D-8C85 XX54-8675 Defense XX58-5B75 XX5A-5C55 XX52-58E5 XX5E-5B55 XX5D-8CE5 XX54-8655 Mag.Def. XX58-5B55 XX5A-5C85 XX53-5675 XX5E-5B85 XX5D-8875 XX54-8685 Evade XX58-5B85 XX5A-5CE5 XX53-5655 XX5E-5BE5 XX5D-8855 XX54-86E5 Mag.Block XX58-5BE5 XX5A-5875 XX53-5685 XX5E-5C75 XX5D-8885 XX54-8B75 Weapon XX58-5C75 XX5A-5855 XX53-56E5 XX5E-5C55 XX5D-88E5 XX54-8B55 Sheild XX58-5C55 XX5A-5885 XX53-5B75 XX5E-5C85 XX5F-8675 XX54-8B85 Helm XX58-5C85 XX5A-58E5 XX53-5B55 XX5E-5CE5 XX5F-8655 XX54-8BE5 Armor XX58-5CE5 XX52-5675 XX53-5B85 XX5E-5875 XX5F-8685 XX54-8C75 Relic 1 XX58-5875 XX52-5655 XX53-5BE5 XX5E-5855 XX5F-86E5 XX54-8C55 Relic 2 XX58-5855 XX52-5685 XX53-5C75 XX5E-5885 XX5F-8B75 XX54-8C88   MENU CODES: ----------- Replace the "XX" with the appropiate 2 digits from the tables below: MENU ITEMS: DD: Fight DF: Item D4: Magic D7: Morph -Blank until Terra gets Morph D0: Revert D9: Steal  D1: Capture D5: SwdTech -Only the ones Cyan knows when new character starts D6: Throw DB: Tools DC: Blitz D8: Runic DA: Lore D2: Sketch D3: Control DE: Slot FD: Rage FF: Leap -Only on Veldt F4: Mimic F7: Dance -Char. gains dances only when Mog gets them F0: Row F9: Def F1: Jump F5: X-Magic -No spells at start F6: GP Rain FB: Summon -???? FC: Health F8: SHOCK! FA: Possess -Erases character if successful F2: Magitek F3: Blank -??   NUMERICAL CODES: ---------------- ATTRIBUTES: DD=0 FF=17 44=34 77=51 00=68 99=85 11=102 55=119 66=136 BB=153 CC=170 88=187  WEAPON,SHEILD,HELMET,ARMOR & RELIC  ---------------------------------- DD:Dirk FD:Epee 4D:Partisan 7D:Aura DF:Mithril Knife FF:Break Blade 4F:Pearl Lance 7F:Strato D4:Guardian F4:Drainer 44:Gold Lance 74:Sky Render D7:Air Lancet F7:Enhancer 47:Aura Lance 77:Heal Rod D0:Thief Knife F0:Crystal 40:Imp Halberd 70:Mithril Rod D9:Assasin F9:Falchion 49:Imperial 79:Fire Rod D1:Man Eater F1:Soul Sabre 41:Kodachi 71:Ice Rod D5:Sword Breaker F5:Ogre Nix 45:Blossom 75:Thunder Rod D6:Graedus F6:Excalibur 46:Hardened 76:Poison Rod DB:Valiant Knife FB:Scimitar 4B:Striker 7B:Pearl Rod DC:Mithril Blade FC:Illumina 4C:Stunner 7C:Gravity Rod D8:Regal Cutlass F8:Ragnarok 48:Ashura 78:Punisher DA:Rune Edge FA:Atma Weapon 4A:Kotetsu 7A:Magus Rod D2:Flame Sabre F2:Mithril Pike 42:Forged 72:Chocobo Brush D3:Blizzard F3:Trident 43:Tempest 73:Da Vinci Brush DE:Thunder Blade FE:Stout Spear 4E:Murasame 7E:Magical Brush  0D:Rainbow Brush 9D:Trump 1D:Flame Sheild 5D:Coronet 0F:Shuriken 9F:Dice 1F:Ice Sheild 5F:Bards Hat 04:Ninja Star 94:Fixed Dice 14:Thunder Sheild 54:Green Beret 07:Tack Star 97:Metal Knuckle 17:Crystal Sheild 57:Head Band 00:Flail 90:Mithril Claw 10:Genji Sheild 50:Mithril Helm 09:Full Moon 99:Kaiser 19:Tortoise Sheild 59:Tiara 01:Morning Star 91:Poison Claw 11:Cursed Sheild 51:Gold Helmet 05:Boomerang 95:Fire Knuckle 15:Palidins Sheild 55:Tiger Mask 06:Rising Sun 96:Dragon Claw 16:Force Sheild 56:Red Cap 0B:Hawk Eye 9B:Tiger Fangs 1B:Leather Hat 5B:Mystery Veil 0C:Bone Club 9C:Buckler 1C:Hair Band 5C:Circlet 08:Sniper 98:Heavy Sheild 18:Plumed Hat 58:Regal Crown 0A:Wing Edge 9A:Mithril Sheild 1A:Beret 5A:Diamond Helm 02:Cards 92:Gold Sheild 12:Magus Hat 52:Dark Hood 03:Darts 93:Ageis Sheild 13:Bandana 53:Crystal Helm 0E:Doom Darts 9E:Diamond Sheild 1E:Iron Helmet 5E:Oath Veil  6D:Cat Hood BD:Power Sash CD:Nutkin Suit 8D:Goggles 6F:Genji Helmet BF:Light Robe CF:Behemoth Suit 8F:Star Pendant 64:Thornlet B4:Diamond Vest C4:Snow Muffler 84:Peace Ring 67:Titanium B7:Red Jacket C7:Noise Blaster 87:Amulet  60:Leather Armor B0:Force Armor C0:Bio Blaster 80:White Ring 69:Cotton Robe B9:Diamond Armor C9:Flash 89:Jewel Ring 61:Kung Fu Suit B1:Dark Gear C1:Chain Saw 81:Fairy Ring 65:Iron Armor B5:Tao Robe C5:Debilitator 85:Barrier Ring  66:Silk Robe B6:Crystal Mail C6:Drill 86:Mithril Glove 6B:Mithril Vest BB:Czarina Gown CB:Air Anchor 8B:Guard Ring 6C:Ninja Gear BC:Genji Armor CC:Auto Crossbow 8C:Running Shoes 68:White Dress B8:Imps Armor C8:Fire Skean 88: 6A:Mithril Mail BA:Minerva CA:Water Edge 8A:Wall Ring 62:Gaia Gear B2:Tabby Suit C2:Bolt Edge 82:Cure Ring 63:Mirage Vest B3:Chocobo Suit C3:Inviz Edge 83:True Knight 6E:Gold Armor BE:Moogle Suit CE:Shadow Edge 8E:Dragoon Boots  AD:Zephyr Cape 2D:Gauntlet 3D:Marvel Shoes ED:Fenix Down AF:Czarina Ring 2F:Genji Glove 3F:Back Guard EF:Revivify A4:Cursed Ring 24:Hyper Wrist 34:Gale Hairpin E4:Antidote A7:Earrings 27:Offering 37:Sniper Sight E7:Eyedrop A0:Atlas Armlet 20:Beads 30:Exp. Egg E0:Soft A9:Blizzard Orb 29:Black Belt 39:Tintinabar E9:Remedy A1:Rage Ring 21:Coin Toss 31:Sprint Shoes E1:Sleeping Bag A5:Sneak Ring 25:Fake Mustache 35:Rename Card E5:Tent A6:Pod Braclet 26:Gem Box 36:Tonic E6:Green Cherry AB:Hero Ring 2B:Dragon Horn 3B:Potion EB:Magicite AC:Ribbon 2C:Merit Award 3C:X Potion EC:Super Ball A8:Muscle Belt 28:Memento Ring 38:Tincture E8:Echo Screen AA:Crystal Orb 2A:Saftey Bit 3A:Ether EA:Smoke Bomb A2:Gold Hairpin 22:Relic Ring 32:X Ether E2:Warp Stone  A3:Economizer 23:Moogle Charm 33:Elixer E3:Dried Meat AE:Thief Glove 2E:Charm Bangle 3E:Megalixer EE:Nothing    -------------------- | PART 4: GOLD CODES | -------------------- 108C-EF03 + All items in shops are free--SWITCH OFF  108C-E4A3 TO SELL ITEMS FOR GP  DC9C-E4D8 Max out your GPs!   E7D8-D4D8 No gold after battle    ---------------------- | PART 5: BATTLE CODES | ----------------------  DURING BATTLE ------------- AAB8-7F69 Enemy's Color  AAB3-54D9 Enemy is invisible  AADC-EDA8 No Enemy  AAD8-EF08 All party members are Floating, Stopped,  and Reflective in battles! %-)  6794-E708 Makes the EXP, Magic Points, Items, and  GP keep repeating in a cycle. Turn off  after 2 or 3 cycles or it may blackout.  DFD8-EF68 All characters float  D0D8-EF68 All characters have Slow cast on them  D6D8-EF68 All characters have Haste cast on them  D8D8-EF68 All characters have Haste, Float, and  Regen cast on them  AADB-EDA8 Get HP & MP in battle   AA68-E7D8 + AA6B-EDA8 Magic becomes X-Magic and takes only 1 MP  AA6B-E7D8 Party hits twice   8ED8-EF68 This code takes about 30 to 50 seconds to come into  effect(in other words, you can't fight right away) but it  does fine once it starts playing,it casts Wall, Regen,  and Float on all members (works great in the Fanatics  Tower!! by the time you need to fight, they've half killed themselves off you wall!!)  30D8-EF68 Casts Slow, Float, Wall but gives less damage to all(same  as above with the starting off)    AFTER BATTLE ------------  5592 -E7D8 "GET NOTHING AFTER A BATTLE" 5592 -E768 5592 -E7A8   CE17-7DD6 "GET ALL RAGES AND LORES" To use this code equip an Esper and fight one battle to learn all spells. The techniques for Strago and Gau will only start when you get them in the WOR. Sometimes the code will mess up the config. screen so you will fix it after the battle.  F194-EDD8 "GET 99 OF ALL ITEMS"  E317-77D6 "LEARN SPELLS 5X FASTER"  E3DB-EDA8 Get alot of HP and MP after battle  AA94-E7D8 This code will make the enemy give you  weapons, items, and armory. (This code is constant)  AA94-EFO8 Makes the enemy give you items/weapons/ armory. (This code is not constant, it's at random)  AA94-E7D8 + Super Item Codes: Get Paladin's Shield, AA94-EFO8 + Offering, Gem Boxes, Econimizers and AA94-E4D8 + other stuff after battles! D794-E708   D493-54D8 Gain over 16,000 Exp. per fight  D793-54D8 Gain nearly 1,000,000 Exp. per fight!  AA92-E768 Casts Flare after a battle, blackout  AA23-54D8 Level 99 after one battle   AA94-E4D8 + Paladin's Shield Codes AA94-EF08 +  AA94-E7D8  1793-54D8 Over 5 million xp (this will even work on the Veldt where  you don't get any exp.  AA2A-54D8 Gain no experience (for expert player only)  3037-54A6 Learn all spells after one battle   0D39-0766 1000x EXP and GP after a battle! A great code!  132C-E4D8 Repeat battle ending (turn off to exit)  F32C-E4D8 Restart game to select menu after battle    -------------------------- | PART 6: NON-BATTLE CODES | -------------------------- AADB-EDA8 Increase all members' Max HP and MP   0F9F-E708 WARNING *ERASES THE SAVED GAMES*   DDA4-8767 Party always has sprint shoes  ED30-E944 'Tonic' gives 240 HP  3CB8-5DAE Most items can be used infinitely--NOT  IN BATTLE MODE; SWITCH OFF TO EXIT MENU SCREEN  AA90-74DD Able to walk through walls, only certain directions  AA9B-E768 All relics equiped, all of it. Not tested much; may freeze  up. Even the cursed stuff is equiped. Just DO NOT SAVE YOUR  GAME, your statistics are messed up...  AAD2-E768 Lowers Speed, Vigor, Stamina, and Magic  Power for all members  AADC-EF08 Always sprint in dungeons and never encounter random enemies  (as if Sprint Shoes and Moogle Charm were equipped)  AADC-EDA8 Never encounter random enemies  AA94-74DD "CHANGE CHARACTER'S APPEARANCE"  Ever wanted to see Terra as a blond?  Celes as a red-head? Ever notice how much Setzer looks like Daryl? Cyan with green hair? Edgar wearing his "Gerad" outfit?  DD90-EFDB Everyone has a hidden Economizer --IN BATTLE MODE.  DD97-5FDA Everyone has a hidden economizer --NOT IN BATTLE MODE.  AADC-EF08: Sprint shoes & Moogle Charm equipped  DDA4-8767: Sprint Shoes equipped  D007-8DD7: Mega Sprint Shoes!!!  AADB-E768: All relics! Even cursed ones!!!  B4CD-E798 AA68-E7D8: Only fight Narshe Guards  E317-77D6 learn spells 5 times faster than the original code  EEBC-576E This one lets you equip any item as many times as you want,  in other words you get infinite equipment!    ------------------------------------ | PART 7: NEW ATTACKS FOR CHARACTERS | ------------------------------------ Add spice to your game. Let your characters do moves you never  thought possible. Like: *** Summoning an ANGEL to attack your enemies. *** Guile's Sonic boom *** Body Laser and more...   "NEW FF3 ATTACKS" This code will allow you to "create" different attacks for your characters!  CODE NEEDED:  3CB7-5F63 "RANDOM EQUIP DIFFERENT ITEMS" This code will allow your characters to equip different (random) items as armor or weapons. You can change the 1st and/or 2nd characters for different "ITEM" changes.  REQUIREMENTS: Your characters must have the GENJI GLOVE and OFFERING equipped as RELICS.  PROCESS: All you have to do is replace your character's weapon  slots with various ITEMS to get different attacks. You can put different ITEMS for different effects. You can also mix and match ITEMS, unless noted . Do not put "WEAPONS" on either hand or it will not work!  REMEMBER: All attacks go in descending order...as seen in the equip screen! HAND: Attack 1 HAND: Attack 2  Here is a LIST of what you can put to produce different attacks!  EQUIPMENT: EFFECT: NOTES: ---------- ------- ------ MOST ARMOR Various weaponless attacks  Snow Muffler Red Rain! Use only as a 1st attack ALL SHIELDS Various weaponless attacks Force Shield Guile's SONIC BOOM! MOST ITEMS Give many different effects Antidote Giant Pac-Man! Use only as a 1st attack Ether Freezes the game Tincture Freezes the game Eye Drop Haunting! Use only as a 1st attack Eye Drop Disappearing Enemies! Use only as a 2nd attack Don't combine the 2  eyedrop codes Magicite Red Sky! Potion Glitches X-Potion Glitches Tonic Glitches Rename Card Fireball jump attack and weird sound! Revivify Guile's SONIC BOOM! Use only as a 1st attack Revivify Star of DEATH! Use only as a 2nd attack Sleeping Bag Bum Rush! Smoke Bomb Light Arrow Use only as a 1st attack Tent Jump Attack Use only as a 1st attack Tent Black Missle Use only as a 2nd attack HEADGEAR Many different effects Bandana Death Laser! A strange laser emits from character Beret Throw a strange BLACK AXE! Circlet Circlet Attack Dark Hood Morph Terra Attack! Diamond Helm God's Voice! Gold Helmet Angel of DEATH! An angel visits enemies to kill them! Hair Band Rising Wind attack! Leather Hat A Million Pins Magus Hat Silent Multiple Punches Mithril Helmet Water Bum Rush! Mystery Veil Aura Zap! Red Cap Red sphere Zap! Regal Crown Bubble Attack Tiger Mask Sketch Enemies to Death! RELICS Many different effects Sneak Ring Black out/Freezes game Hyper Wrist Black out/Freezes game Back Guard Black out/Freezes game Amulet Black out/Freezes game Sniper Sight Glitches/Freezes game Marvel Shoes Glitches/Freezes game Fake Mustache Glitches/Freezes game Beads Glitches/Freezes game Genji Glove Glitches/Freezes game Fairy Ring Glitches/Freezes game Memento Ring Glitches/Freezes game True Knight Instant Damage! Dragon Horn Instant Damage! Coin Toss Reverse Leo Shock Attack! Cure Ring Skud Missle! Use only as a 2nd attack Cursed Ring Summon the REAPER! Use only as a 2nd attack Earrings Satanic Sounds! Equip in both hands Exp. Egg Dead of NIGHT! Use only as a 1st attack Gale Hairpin A loud sound followed by damage to enemies! Gauntlet Sun God's Trident Attack! Use only as a 1st attack Goggles Gernade Toss! Use only as a 2nd attack Guard Ring Fiery Screen! Use only as a 1st attack Merit Award Tornado Spin Use only as a 1st attack Merit Award Light Saber Use only as a 2nd attack Mithril Glove Singing Black Sword! Use only as a 1st attack Rage Ring Meteor Attack! Running Shoes Wind Blast! Use only as a 2nd attack Safety Bit Spear of Destiny! Use only as a 2nd attack Sprint Shoes Shock Drop Thief Glove Dance of Rocks Use only as a 2nd attack Tintinabar Portal of DOOM! Wall Ring Suicide Attack! Use only as a 1st attack Zephyr Cape Red Rain of DEATH! Use only as a 2nd attack  This list is incomplete...Please help find more attacks by using items not in this list! E-Mail LordRokol your findings. Thank You! A more complete list will be posted later...    ---------------------------------- | PART 8: COMPLETE LEO/KEFKA CODES | ----------------------------------   LEO/KEFKA CODES ---------------  AA9B E768 "LEO/KEFKA CODES" AA9B E708 These codes will not give you a special ending...Nor, will AA9B E7D8 they damage saved games... AA9B E7A8 Go anywhere and fight. You will eventually end up with Kefka and/or Leo. It's good if you are in the WOB and about to go to the floating continent. Anywhere else is fine, including the WOR.  THINGS THAT WILL FREEZE THE GAME: --------------------------------- 1. If your map man is Geshtal and you try to equip, relic, use item or etc. If you have Geshtal continue fighting and ignore him... 2. If you get Kefka-he comes in many things... A. If he is a zombie or dead-do not revive him or the game will freeze. B. Sometimes he will a lot of different stuff in his stats like: Morph, Capture, Shock, Sketch... You should save the game if you get something cool  like this... C. Kefka in Magitek Armor-same as A 3. Mog may freeze the game when it is his turn to fight. 4. Leo is unglitched-you can revive him if he is wounded. (Really preferred if he had a screen shot...Kefka uses Terra's screen shot because he doesn't have one).   PERFECT KEFKA -------------  DC9B-E7D8 "FOR USE OF KEFKA ONLY"  Use this code to edit Kefka. It may take a while to get a perfect Kefka (Now you're getting to it)!  TO HAVE A PERFECT KEFKA: Kefka should have non-freezing the game battle commands. For both WOB or WOR, Kefka should have Rage, Leap, Magic,  and Item! Which means Kefka takes over Gau's status! (The ONLY one that will let you keep Kefka forever)...  Make sure he is able to use magic and equip weapons and  armor. Also check out Gau's magic...Once Kefka takes over  Gau's body the magic will change to something new. The picture on the status screen should be Terra...Rename Kefka "Kefka" when he replaces Gau... :D It is highly recommended you do this in the WOR, because you'll have the airship to go to the Veldt and test Kefka's Leap and reappear (UWAOOOOOO~). Kefka will just be Kefka!   CONTROL DIFFERENT CHARACTERS ----------------------------  DC9B-E768 "CONTROL DIFFERENT CHARACTERS" DC9B-E708 Okay, about these GG codes...They look very similar DC9B-E7D8 to the Leo/Kefka code, but it changes the character's image. DC9B-E7A8 For example-Terra. You see her, her body, her color, her command windows (fight, morph, magic, item). Okay, once after a battle, Terra has changed to Gogo's  image but the rest of the commands stay the same. Once in a while you may get Umaro's image with Terra's battle commands (fight, morph, magic and item)! Now you can  control Umaro and see him chanting magic at last! So, once you get to a circular pattern, it'll alter to another character in the game! Like Ultros, Siegfried,  Chupon, the little girl, the little boy, Terra's Mom,  espers, dragons, faries, Imperial Soilders, Vicks and Kappa the Imp! You can control the Emperor and some  characters will stay the same while others change to a totally different image!   MORE CHARACTERS TO CHOOSE -------------------------  9A9B-E7D8 "MORE CHARACTER CHANGING CODES" Note: You may or may not need Relm in your party... You should bring her along just in case... You need Leo (You must have his stats, mapman, and battle for it to work) in your party. Go into battle and after the battle, during the victory dance, hold these buttons down together...L/R and Y/B to change characters. If you get Bannon this code worked for you. Just do the same procedure again for other characters...  Here is a list of characters you can be (not in order):  Mapman Battle Stat Note ------ ------ ---- ---- Bannon Bannon Bannon Should be your 1st Character Ghost Ghost Ghost Green Guard Green Guard Vicks Merchant Merchant Vicks Locke as a Merchant Kefka Kefka Terra Gestahl Gestahl ???? Battle guy is sort of glitched Leo Leo Leo Impresario invisible ???? Opera Celes invisible ???? Dog ???? ???? Freezes the game sometimes  There are many more that I haven't found...Please E-mail me  if you find more not on the list...    ---------------------- | PART 9: MANSON CODES | ----------------------  MANSON CODE1: 3037-54A6 "GET ALL SPELLS!!!" --------------------------------------------   MANSON CODE2: 3CB7-5F63 "GUNSLINGER CODE" ------------------------------------------ HOW TO USE: First, equip evrything you have (right down the list) as  you do this, you will see that the WEAPONS you equipped  are not the ones you selected. Once your done, go to  items, click ARRANGE, and start the process over again.   MANSON CODE3: D6AF-740E "ESPER CODE" ------------------------------------- HOW TO USE: Go to ESPERS and move the arrow anywhere and you will see  ESPERS you know and others. The other ones can be used in  battle.   MANSON CODE4: D5A7-8407 "ALMOST PERFECT WTW CODE" --------------------------------------------------  MANSON CODE5: DAA7-7FD4 "GET AN AIRSHIP /ESPER BAHAMUT ANYWHERE ANY TIME" --------------------------------------------------------------------------- HOW TO USE: Talk to certain people in towns etc. and you will have a fifty/fifty chance of it working.   MANSON CODE 6: DA24-8F0D "THE THINGS HAPPEN OVER AGAIN CODE" ------------------------------------------------------------ HOW TO USE: Enter code, start game, and things that happened in the  WORLD OF BALANCE will happen in the WORLD OF RUIN. Such  things as SHADOW sitting at the bar in a town, Darryl is  flying your AIRSHIP, etc. Don't SAVE or your game will  stay that way.   MANSON CODE7: DA24-8F6D "LIKE ABOVE BUT NOT AS DRASTIC" --------------------------------------------------------    MANSON CODE8: D5E5-776D "LEO/KEFKA CODE" ----------------------------------------- HOW TO USE: Start GAME and your character will be someone who looks  like TERRA. But, is actially KEFKA cahnge the party  POSTIONS around and you will get GENERAL LEO and the REAL  TERRA. One GLITCH with this code is that KEFKA has no  commands. So, in battle when it is KEFKA's turn it will  freeze.  MANSON CODE9: 5BAE-8F69 "NEW RARE ITEMS CODE" ---------------------------------------------- HOW TO USE: Get NEW RARE ITEMS such as:  Eerie Stone - Manicure Opera Record - Mang. Glass - Dull Ppicture  To use this code, go into BATTLE and go to ITEMS. Double  click your SWORD or SHIELD asnd the battle will end. Go  to RARE ITEMS and you will have the listed items. Another  event that happens with this CODE is that if you use your  AIRSHIP, you will go back to the WORLD OF BALANCE. For more great codes like these, visit our web page at: http://www.ionet.net/~mstuart